Saturday, January 6, 2018

VITAMIN K2 - It's time to learn about its benefits!

Vitamin K2? There is a chance you might not have heard about it yet...
Some scientists refer to it as the new Vitamin D, others consider it a new nutrient; in the last years it is the subject of numerous studies.

Important facts
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, thought initially to be involved in blood clotting only. It has two forms:
- Vitamin K1 (Phylloquinone) - used by the liver to activate the Calcium-binding properties of the
   proteins, found in leafy greens (spinach, kale, etc.)
- Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone) - regulates the Calcium levels in bones and teeth, where it belongs;
  without sufficient Vitamin K2, the human body will enter the state known as Calcium Paradox:
  high blood levels of Calcium reach the blood vessels (causing vascular calcification or athero-
  sclerosis) instead being directed to the bones (the result is osteopenia and osteoporosis);
  it's found in animal food and fermented food (milk, cheese and butter from grass fed cows, egg
  yolks, fish eggs, goose liver pate)

Vitamin K2 has been proven to have multiple health benefits, mostly focused on bone and teeth health, also vascular and heart health - due to its involvement in Calcium metabolism.
Surprisingly, Vitamin K2 contributes to the prevention and management of Diabetes - Osteocalcin, a hormone produced in the bones to increase bone density, also improves insuline secretion and sensibility. Since osteocalcin is a Vitamin K2- dependent protein, adequate levels of Vitamin K2 can prevent the development of Diabetes Type 2, which is alarmingly  becoming epidemic on our planet.

But most surprising is the anti aging effect of Vitamin K2. Researchers have discovered the existence of a strong association between skin wrinkling and Vitamin K2 deficiency.
Dr.Kate Rheaume-Bleue, author of "The Calcium Paradox", writes: "When it comes to skin, it seems that a K2 deficiency might be written all over your face". And more interesting - the deeper the facial wrinkles of a post-menopausal woman, the higher the risk of osteoporosis.
It has been observed that Japanese women have better skin ( fewer wrinkles and more toned skin) compared to European and North-American women and this is probably due to their high blood levels of Vitamin K2. They also have a the richest source of K2 - natto, a traditional fermented Japanese dish made of soy beans, a powerful nutritonal superfood.
You can have it too! Here is how to easily prepare natto at home:



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