Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A clever step towards a healthier life

A new approach to nutrition - the Ketogenic  Diet. I prefer referring to and recommending it as a Lifestyle rather than a diet, as its implementation has incredible benefits on overall health, on physical and mental performance - so, let's name it Nutritional Ketosis. 
Nutritional Ketosis implies a very low-carb diet, by removing processed carbohydrates. This way the body will reach a metabolic state named ketosis - it will produce in the liver, from fat, small molecules, the ketones, that are the alternative fuel for the body when the glucose (sugar) level in the blood is low; the fat stores will be easily accessed and turned into the main fuel supply; we'll feel less hungry and we'll have a steady energy provision.

What to eat? Healthy fats and a moderate amount of high quality proteins - meat, fish, eggs, vegetables.


An important rule - eat foods with fewer than 5% carbohydrates.

Avoid bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, alcoholic drinks.

Why Nutritional Keto?
Because: you will lose weight without being hungry, turning your body into a fat-burning machine
                you will be in control of your appetite
                you will have normal blood sugar levels, blood pressure, cholesterol profile
                you will improve your focus and concentration
                you will increase your energy level.

A clever step towards a healthier life. Enjoy!

Love & Peace


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